We had a wonderful Holiday Party. A big thank you and appreciation goes to Allen & Marcia Z for all the planning and arranging of the party. The band was excellent. The raffle gifts were great and we raised $512 for our charities. Thank you to Liz & Dale P for arranging the wine donations from their friend, very generous. The centerpieces were phenomenal, thank you to Judy S and Annabelle G for making them. It was good to see familiar faces and some we don’t see as often attend the party. Some new members attended as well. A great way to end the year! Sincere thanks to Karen for all the individual couple’s photos.
- Tanya & Reggie
- Vicki & Bob
- Cathy & Bob
- ?? & Randy
- Thelma & ??
- ?? & Steve
- ?? & Sam
- ?? & Steve
- Judy & Dan
- ?? & Dash
- Loretta & Ira
- Lyn & Steve
- Lois & Steve
- Margaret & Rocky
- SMarilyn & Skip