- Classics up through C6s
- What would a car show be without Mel
- Great color combo
- Is that a future C8 in front?
- Toe tapping
- Ben getting his trophy
- Jim proudly receiving his Peoples Choice trophy
- Nice lineup
- The Seabee at the entrance to the base
- This boat follows you and talks back at you!!!
- Ron’s yellow custom Z06
- John practicing his comedy club standup routine
- Something, don’t know what???
- More Seabees on the parade ground
- Watching the parade
- Jim doing his Rocky impression
- Pacing ourselves again
- Ben’s, Rocky’s and others
- One of the dignitaries
- George and Dennis and Paula’s fine ’60
- Group picture for the club participation trophy
- Sharp Seabees on the parade ground
- Interesting kit car Cobra
- C1, C2, C3 and C6 in a row
- Do we really need to get up and get ready to go home?
- Still George and others
- Navy guy eyeing this for jeep use?
- Smile for the camera
- Jerry, can this really work as a hood ornament?
- Mel’s car looked good as usual
- Arms UP!
- Jerry & Saralyn’s ’72 looking up the row from them
- Some of us trying to remember when we did this stuff
- John and Tila didn’t forget our banner
- Ben thinking about a new paint job?
- Ron, our favorite “non-member – member”
We left Jamba Juice with 15 cars and took the scenic route to Port Hueneme. SVCC made quite an impression when we arrived, and the 15 cars represented about 20% of the total cars in the show. We easily garnered the club participation trophy, and all SVCC members went up to receive the club trophy. Individual awards were won by Jim & Maryanne; Ben & Veronica; Steve & Marsha. Ron T, who joined us at the show with his customized yellow Z06, also got a trophy.
It was much cooler than Simi and the San Fernando Valleys which led to a very comfortable day. There were many booths and much to do. A pass in review on the parade ground was exceptional and moving. Music was great, both on the car show lot, but also live groups playing nearby. Many of us stopped in to pay our respects to Shari Barnes and her family at Don Cuco’s in Simi Valley, on the way back from Seabee Days. Still some shifted north on Tapo Street to park ourselves in the Regal Theaters Mall and listen to a live concert with some excellent country music.