- The second most interesting man in the world
- Nice of them to donate their parking area for the show
- Some of the more “mature” ones
- Strategizing
- Savoring victory
- Iris and Tila hogging a trophy
- Twin red and white 1960s
- Ben with his trophy
- Ray getting trophy for modified C6
- Our coordinators – John and Tila
- The most interesting man in the world
- Holding the club participation trophy
- Newer ones
- It’ll get warm sometime
- Sharing the trophy
Over 90 cars showed up for the Vette Set’s annual car show at Ruby’s Diner in Redondo Beach. No sun until about 2:00 PM, but no matter. SVCC participants did well with four trophies: Ray and Gayle – 3rd place in modified C6; Ben and Veronica – 1st place in modified C6; Steve and Marsha – 3rd place in C1 category; and SVCC also got the club participation trophy. A great group of folks hosting the show and we’ll go back again next year. Thanks to the Vette Set Car Club!