More than 35 cars showed up at Simi Valley Chevrolet, our sponsor, to meet Peter Brock. The weather was perfect (not really), but Steve Gaines, General Manager of the dealership, was an excellent host. There was plenty of room inside the showroom and burgers were cooked on the grill for all the attendees. Much thanks to Steve F. for coordinating this event and arranging for Mr. Brock to appear. Everyone brought an unwrapped toy and those were all picked up by Ventura County Fire for distribution to needy children. Peter Brock was the primary designer of the original Corvette Stingray back in the late 50s. He related how the process worked along with all the struggles with politics at GM and upper management. Interestingly, the Corvette was considered dead at one point, only later to be resurrected. In his opinion, the current C7 represents the pinnacle of design and engineering, and will probably never be surpassed. Sherrie took delivery of her blue C7, with fanfare and complete with red bow. Everyone had a great time and much thanks to SV Chevy for allowing us have the event at their facility.

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