We had a great run to Magnuson Superchargers and TrackMaster Products on September 20. Much thanks to Daniel Vehse, Maureen Magnuson, and others for their hospitality. First we toured the TrackMaster Products shop, which included many of Jerry Magnuson’s speciality cars and products. It was interesting to hear from Mark Stehrenberger, Master Class Stylist, and mentor of Chip Foose. Mark has 47 years in the design business. We then moved over to the Magnuson supercharger building for a tour of that facility. The employees were very friendly and willing to ask all the dumb questions we had. That shop was amazing with all the specialty equipment used to manufacture the different types of superchargers.
We then adjourned for lunch at the Yacht Club in Ventura, where we got to continue to interact with our hosts. The food was prepared well and was excellent. Lastly, we had a final tour of the shop where the Speed Demon was fabricated. They had just gotten back from Bonneville with this monster that has the land speed record for a piston-engineed wheel driven car – about 450 MPH. Ken Duttweiler, head of Maxwell Industries, has quite a team building and continuing to improve this racer.
- Jerry