- Enjoying the very fresh air
- Likes pink!
- Fun, but tiring
- Tahoe car show – crowd control
- Great conversation
- Lover boy
- Half of the comedy team
- Our own dining room and waitress for dinner
- Settling in after arriving somewhere?
- Great job in organizing, Jerry
- Food and service was great for our large group
- Practicing figure skating
- The castle on Lake Tahoe, seen from the paddleboat
- You can tell they enjoyed the cruise on the lake
- Riding the trolly through Mammoth Lakes
- A pit stop at the base of a ski run
- At the car show
- Prepping for dinner in the bar
- Going into Yosemite
- Ranger Rick was patient while we clogged up the entrance to Yosemite
- The go-go dancers on the paddleboat
- Getting ready to enjoy dinner
- Dancing on the paddleboat
- Waiting to depart Mammoth Lakes
- More eating and good conversation
- Stand up, Marsha!
- Pabst Blue Ribbon, what?
- Impressive line of cars
- OK, someone turn on the spigot so we can get a picture with water in the background
- OK, let’s line up to board
- Waiting to board for the dinner cruise
- Saralyn befriending a local
- Sherrie and Iris just need to dispose of the CHIP that pulled them over
- Rear view looking forward
- Taking in the fresh air and views
- A sister ship of the boat we were on
- It’s a blue thing! Goes with the color of their Grand Sport
- Part of the Johnson clan
- A group picture at the Tahoe Car Show
- Waiting for one car to finish up with the CHIP
- One of a number of pitstops on the way back home
- Dining on the paddleboat on Lake Tahoe
- Too many reds?
- Hair issue caused by too much electricity I guess
- Just having a good time
- Trouble usually comes in threes?
- After dinner conversation on the top deck
- Johnson family reunion
- We looked good
- More dancing on the dinner cruise
- Great that we all got along
- The free local trolly
- At the hotel in Lake Tahoe
- George parking for a walk to the falls
- Dining on Lake Tahoe
- At the Tahoe car show
- Getting ready to go in the gold mine
Video starting to go into the park (note the large bug in the beginning):
Another video going through the park: