- Something, don’t know what
- Steve’s and a C2.
- Something about a dark green Stingray
- Galpin Ford project car – was famous once
- Nice C3
- Steve’s car parked in front of the theater
- Retro C1 – what’s up with the retros anyway?
- Street view
- Blown up C1
- Original purchase C1
- Pinstriping right on the street – STEADY HANDS
- Jalopy Joe
- Street view in Culver City
- Casket car
- Everyone needs a billiard table car, don’t you think?
- Blues Brothers arrived
- Really nice black and silver C1
- Love the early C2s
Culver City show, only Steve attended this one. George Barris was there signing programs, etc. He has been building unusual cars for years – often for movies and TV shows. Has this year every year.