- Some of the crowd
- Keeping cool
- George working it
- George hobnobbing
- Corvette Corrall parking
- Cousin George doing a great job holding up the fence
- Listening to the big guys associated with Corvette Racing
- Posing
- George and ?????
- Corvette Racing tent discussion
- Ray and ??????
- Louie dreaming about trying out one of the cars!
- Louie with his racing buddies
- Pit action
- George with his badge and bag
- Seems like George always gets rides, when the rest of us walk???
- A couple of smiling faces
- A couple of distinguished fellows
- Cousin George still hobnobbing
- Visible yellow!
- George with his other red car
- Race time!
- Race – ready couple
- OK, it’s Louie’s turn to mingle
- Bigwigs in the Corvette tent
We took best club participation for the 3rd year in a row. George won the Best Car Award. Thanks Ray for coordinating this run. The parked in the Corvette Corrall and got to spend time in the Corvette Racing tent and mingle with the other bigwigs!