Santa Paula Airport run, part 2Short video of trip to Santa Paula Airport part 1

Paul and Kay organized a fantastic run to the Santa Paula Airport / Museum on Sunday.  The weather was perfect and a total of 24 cars made the trip for the monthly open house at the airport.  All generations of Corvettes were represented by members of the club (except of course the C7!).  With the open house, quite a few visitors came by to tour the facilities and check out all the hangers and the museum.  We had a “for fun” vote of the favorite cars and two of the older ones garnered the most votes:  Hank and Karen’s ’63 split window was first pick, and Steve and Marsha’s ’60 got second place.  It was all in fun, and no bragging rights will result from it.  Enjoy the photos, because all who attended thoroughly did enjoy the day.

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