Many pictures to be posted so be patient. Thirteen cars left Simi Valley on Monday, May 14. Each car / couple was responsible for one day (setting departure times, pit stops, lunch, and leading the caravan of cars). We took the scenic route most of the way, specifically Route 1 for a good bit of the trip there. Weather was fantastic most of the time. We experienced two ferries going over to Victoria Island, and leaving for the return trip. Most of us attended the car show that the Corvette Club of Victoria put on, as well as attending their awards banquet. An abundance of raffle prizes (most everyone won something), and car show awards to Sam and Peggy Reid (show and shine); as well as to Bob and Cathy Silverman (concourse class). Victoria was celebrating its 150th anniversary so there was a lot of activity / parades, etc. going on. We were greeted with 2″ of snow on the way back, and made certain we stopped to play in it near Mt. Shasta. Kudos go to Russ and Lyell for planning the details of the trip, printing the “book”, coordinating with Donna, the travel agent, and more. No fights, no marriage breakups, no accidents, no tickets – just great fun. Enjoy the pictures!

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